iOS App

In this section you will find information on how to use the iOS application.
Download on the app store

Basic steps

  1. Open the App
  2. Scan the QR code on any Tapirx device
  3. Use your company login credentials to get access
  4. Now you can start booking

Book resource using the QR code on a Tapirx device

  1. Open the App
  2. Scan the QR code from a Tapirx device
  3. Book resource. More details here

Using resource list

  1. Open the App
  2. Use "Book" from app menu
  3. You can filter resources by type, capacity, location or availability
  4. Choose resource
  5. Book resource. More details here

Book resource

  1. Choose period and date
  2. Choose from available options
  3. Review booking and input subject

My bookings

  1. Open the App
  2. Use "My bookings" from app menu
  3. You can see upcoming events created via the Tapirx app
  4. By clicking on "Menu" you can:
    • View this booking in your calendar
    • Edit or remove this booking